Middle School Story Time

Kinja'd!!! "S65" (granthp)
09/23/2016 at 15:20 • Filed to: Middle School, Stories

Kinja'd!!!1 Kinja'd!!! 36

Scroll down if you actually want to read this.

In eighth grade I had a crush on a girl, (I’m not going to name names because I’m sure it’ll be easy to find them.) me with my eighth grade intellect thought it would be most appropriate to try to impress her by pranking her. At first she thought it was funny, it got bad enough to the point where she had contacted the principal of the school. they couldn’t find out who was committing the pranks. Eventually I told her I was doing the pranks, thinking she would be impressed and all. She wasn’t. She attacked me and we never talked again.

Well, you made it this far. Have a Callaway.



Kinja'd!!! CB > S65
09/23/2016 at 15:23


The moral of the story is: everyone in middle school who thinks they know how to get the girl/guy is a dumbass.

Kinja'd!!! TysMagic > S65
09/23/2016 at 15:24


that’s it? I want deets on the pranks

Kinja'd!!! S65 > CB
09/23/2016 at 15:24


Thanks uncle CB!

Kinja'd!!! CB > S65
09/23/2016 at 15:26


If it makes you feel any better, in grade ten I couldn’t take a hint, had a girl say yes to a date then say she couldn’t make it on three separate occasions, with the final reason being that she couldn’t make it due to her cat’s birthday. I realized she probably didn’t like me at that point, and haven’t talked to her since.

Kinja'd!!! TysMagic > TysMagic
09/23/2016 at 15:27


additional: I looked up the girl I had a crush on in middle school. SHE STILL HAS THE SAME FRIEND GROUP FROM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL! That’s impressive and it also makes me happy I moved away from the world I used to live in

Kinja'd!!! TysMagic > TysMagic
09/23/2016 at 15:28


ah girl I had a crush on early in high school though - she’s doing it big. Moved across the world, in the fashion industry.

Thanks for this detour from my otherwise meh friday work day

Kinja'd!!! S65 > TysMagic
09/23/2016 at 15:28


Checking out books from the library in her name, jamming the printers in her classes, pouring glue all over her locker, stealing all of her pencils and replacing them with crayons. I stole her lunch on multiple occasions.

Kinja'd!!! TysMagic > S65
09/23/2016 at 15:29


wow, impressive you weren’t caught

Kinja'd!!! ttyymmnn > S65
09/23/2016 at 15:31


If that ain’t love, I don’t know what is. The glue was an especially nice touch.

Kinja'd!!! ttyymmnn > CB
09/23/2016 at 15:33


Middle school is a horrible, horrible time. Although my 8th grader seems to have gotten through relatively unscathed so far.

Kinja'd!!! ttyymmnn > CB
09/23/2016 at 15:33


Why did she say yes in the first place if she had no intention of going out with you?

Kinja'd!!! ESSSIX GmbH - Accountant/Wagon Thumper > S65
09/23/2016 at 15:36





Kinja'd!!! CB > ttyymmnn
09/23/2016 at 15:36


Just wait for high school, then. Nobody makes it out of that unscathed.

Kinja'd!!! CB > ttyymmnn
09/23/2016 at 15:37


No idea. Maybe she actually had stuff going on all those times. Who knows. It’s all in the past, though, and I finally have someone who loves me, so I’m not too hung up on it. Just a funny story.

Kinja'd!!! ttyymmnn > CB
09/23/2016 at 15:39


I have been asked if I ever went to any of my HS reunions (I graduated in 1984--suck it, George Orwell). There is really nobody, not one person, that I would like to have stayed in touch with from HS. I had one best friend at the time, and we stayed in contact until the late 90s until he drank the Far Right Kool Aid and I had to stop communicating with him. I had fun in HS, smoked a lot of pot, made it out alive, but would really rather forget the whole experience.

Kinja'd!!! jimz > CB
09/23/2016 at 15:43


I’ve said it before, I wish I could track down everyone who told me high school would be the “best time of my life” and beat them with reeds.

then I remind myself that for those who had the “best time in their lives” in high school have probably been miserable shit sacks ever since. y’know, the Al Bundy types.

Kinja'd!!! S65 > ttyymmnn
09/23/2016 at 15:44


As not to hurt his feelings?

Kinja'd!!! jimz > ttyymmnn
09/23/2016 at 15:45


I’m like you in that I’ve never been and will never go to a reunion, but for me it was because I had zero fun in high school. I’d sooner set the people I went to school with on fire before seeing them again.

Kinja'd!!! CB > jimz
09/23/2016 at 15:45


Bingo. High school sucked. I have the same mindset towards people who said “enjoy it, you’ll really miss it one day!”

Nope, not even a little bit. University was way better.

Kinja'd!!! jimz > S65
09/23/2016 at 15:46


y’know, I think there are some of us (e.g. guys who think women want dick pics) who never outgrow that. They can’t understand that women don’t socialize by teasing and insulting each other like guys do.

Kinja'd!!! ttyymmnn > S65
09/23/2016 at 15:48


Well, if she had no intention of going on the date, she should have politely declined the invitation. Honestly goes a long way. However, we tend to learn that later in life, and some adults never do.

Kinja'd!!! OPPOsaurus WRX > S65
09/23/2016 at 15:50


back in 8th grade one of the girls in my class had an unhealthy obsession with NSYNC. One day I was making fun of them and she for some unknown reason, could not find the humor in my jokes. As i was taking the books out of the bottom of my locker she comes up behind me and kicks me in the ass, hard. She hit the bone in my buttcheek (pelvis?) so hard, that she broke a toe. Even after all that, NSYNC stilled sucked.

Kinja'd!!! jimz > CB
09/23/2016 at 15:52


college was better in the sense that the Lord of the Rings atmosphere was gone, but since I went to a local tech university (think Kettering, but not Kettering) most people were on campus for only as long as needed, then went home at the end of the day. down side is I never really learned to socialize.

Kinja'd!!! TheBloody, Oppositelock lives on in our shitposts. > CB
09/23/2016 at 15:54


Bro you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about, I had mad girlfriends who all lived in Canada throughout middle school!

Kinja'd!!! S65 > OPPOsaurus WRX
09/23/2016 at 15:55


what is “NSYNC”? 

Kinja'd!!! CB > TheBloody, Oppositelock lives on in our shitposts.
09/23/2016 at 15:58


What a coincidence, all of mine did too! Well, my high school girlfriend. Did you meet yours at summer camp and seriously she’s for real but I can’t prove it because she lives in an igloo with no phone?

It’s funny because I’m Canadian.

Kinja'd!!! TheBloody, Oppositelock lives on in our shitposts. > CB
09/23/2016 at 16:04



Kinja'd!!! sm70- why not Duesenberg? > S65
09/23/2016 at 16:07


Edit nvm

Kinja'd!!! LongbowMkII > S65
09/23/2016 at 16:08


Has this day finally come?

Christ... I thought I’d be 30 before I was an Old Man.

How do you not know who N’SYNC is?!?! Ugh...

It was a boy band with Justin Timberlake around the turn of the Millenium.

I need to mow my lawn.

Kinja'd!!! sm70- why not Duesenberg? > S65
09/23/2016 at 16:08



Kinja'd!!! scoob > OPPOsaurus WRX
09/23/2016 at 16:08



Kinja'd!!! S65 > LongbowMkII
09/23/2016 at 16:12


Yeah, you go do that

Kinja'd!!! shop-teacher > LongbowMkII
09/23/2016 at 16:42


I have students who don’t know what CD’s are. Chew on that one a while.

Kinja'd!!! Spridget > OPPOsaurus WRX
09/25/2016 at 12:00


I thought that NSYNC was a stock exchange when I first read it.

Kinja'd!!! OPPOsaurus WRX > S65
09/25/2016 at 12:33


How old are you?

Late 90s / 2000s shitty boy band.

Kinja'd!!! S65 > OPPOsaurus WRX
09/25/2016 at 12:43


All you need to know is I grew up in the the 2000s